
This is where the journey begins. We’ll sit down with you, get to know your brand and understand exactly what you want to achieve. We’ll chat about your target audience, channel strategy and messaging. We’ll explore tone and style. Whether it’s heartfelt storytelling or something with more grit, we’ll use these initial conversations as the bedrock of our creative treatment.


Once we’ve got the lay of the land, it’s time to map out the route. We’ll craft a production plan that’s fit for purpose. We’ll crunch the numbers to come up with a budget that suits you, handpick the perfect team.


This is where we get “granular”. We’ll be out and about, sorting everything from locations to casting, shooting permits to staff interviews (if needed), props to wardrobe, mood boards to storyboards. All with an eagle eye on budget, production values and accountability.


This is when the cameras roll and the storytelling starts. We manage every aspect of the shoot day. From directing actors to ensuring all safety protocols are adhered to. And we want you right there with us when we’re filming. Not just because it’s a lot of fun, but because we value your input. We’ll have plenty of snacks and a comfy chair with your name on it.


Once the footage is “in the can”, we’ll be in the editing suite, crafting something truly special. We manage the entire post-production process from shot selection to colour grade, audio mix to music selection, graphics to VFX. Some projects also call for the use of AI which we see as a valuable tool when used appropriately. Post-production is a highly collaborative process, so we welcome feedback and ideas at every stage. We won’t stop working until it’s perfect.


We’ll make sure your project is delivered on time, on budget and to the highest possible specs. And if you need different versions for different platforms, we’ve got you covered. We’re well versed in creating a full suite of assets for your channel strategy, from a single shoot. Like brand videos, 6’’ Pre-Rolls, TV commercials and Reels. You name it, we can make it.


We believe the most compelling stories are those that resonate on a personal level. By infusing authenticity, empathy and passion into our narratives, we create a powerful emotional bond between your brand and your audience.


Our commitment to craftsmanship is evident in every aspect of our work. From script to screen, we ensure every detail is crafted to perfection. From breathtaking visuals to seamless editing, our films are a testament to our dedication to the art of storytelling.


We understand that our clients’ goals extend beyond entertainment. They seek to inspire, educate and drive awareness and action. So go above and beyond to ensure that our films deliver tangible results.

Our approach is tried and true.

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